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Policies and Procedures Manual

Revised April 2021

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Table of Contents

Organization Name

The name of this organization shall be the Arkansas Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Inc., but shall hereinafter be referred to as ARID. ARID is an affiliate chapter of the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Inc.

Official Logo

IRS Legal Status

The Arkansas Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Inc. (ARID) is a non-profit 501(c)3 tax-exempt charitable organization. The ARID tax identification number is 611605822. Effective June 1981, ARID is listed as a subordinate unit (affiliate chapter) under the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf’s, Inc. group extension #3163 with the IRS. Donors may deduct contributions to RID and it’s affiliate chapters under section #170 of the Code. The Affiliate Chapter Handbook is available on the RID website.

Organization Objective

The principal objective of ARID shall be to initiate, sponsor, promote and execute policies and activities that will further the profession of the interpretation of American Sign Language (ASL) and English and the transliteration of English. Responses will be made by the President, Vice President, Secretary, and/or Treasurer to inquiries from the “Contact Us”  tab on the ARID website.

Mission Statements

  • provides an organizational structure for interpreters/transliterators; 
  • promotes quality interpreting services; 
  • recognizes the unique language and culture of Deaf people; 
  • promotes certification; 
  • provides professional development opportunities; 
  • upholds the standards of the profession; 
  • provides information sharing; 
  • serves in an advocacy role for the rights of persons who are deaf and for the rights of interpreters/transliterators;  
  • develops liaisons with other disciplines and organizations that interact and interface with the interpreting field; and 
  • sponsors RID, ACET, and QAST CEUs via events, independent studies, academic coursework, and participant-initiated events. 

Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern this chapter in all cases to which they are applicable and consistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID) corporation may adopt.

Fiscal Year of the Corporation

The fiscal year of ARID shall commence yearly on the first day of July and end on the thirtieth day of June (July 1 – June 30).


ARID is governed by a membership approved set of Bylaws. It includes the move from printed to electronic communication. Please view ARID Bylaws at under Documents tab.

Communication Access Policy

The Official Language of ARID is American Sign Language (ASL).

General Membership Meetings Communication Access

The Arkansas Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Inc. will provide communication access in the language or mode preferred by consumers/members who are deaf, hard of hearing, or deaf-blind in attendance at the ARID general membership meetings. In the event that interpretation is not required, none will be provided.


Eligibility Criteria for Interpreters

A minimum of two interpreters will be provided during general membership meetings. The interpreters may provide the services as volunteers and receive two Member Money certificates for a total value of $120 ($60 each) and:

              1. Hold RID certification, or at a minimum hold a QAST Interpreting/Transliterating Level IV and
              2. Hold dual membership in RID and ARID.

Interpreter Selection

Approximately one month prior to the general meeting, the Board will:

              1. Contact eligible interpreters to determine their availability and
              2. Recruit and select two to four interpreters for the general membership meeting

Role and Function

The RID Code of Ethics states that an interpreter shall not counsel, advise, or interject personal opinion, however, since this is a volunteer service and the interpreters are members of the organization, they will be allowed to participate in meetings as fully as possible.

As members of ARID, the working interpreters shall be able to either vote, or express an opinion by using the interpreter participation provision. The provision states “the working interpreter will signal his/her teammate that s/he wants to participate in the meeting, at which point they will switch roles.”

Specialized Interpretation

In the event that specialized interpreting services are needed (oral, tactile, restricted field, transcription services) the Treasurer will inform the President who will recruit from the pool of eligible interpreters and/or transcribers as needed. 

Sign to Voice Interpretation

When a member, who is deaf, hard of hearing, or deaf-blind, makes a comment(s), the working interpreter will voice the comment(s), while the team interpreter assumes expressive interpreting duties.

Awards and Scholarships

Please view under the Documents tab for the following awards and funds:

    • The Shirley T. Herald Lifetime Achievement Award – awarded at a Biennial Conference 
    • The Ella Irby Professional Development Scholarship Fund – awarded during a non-biennial conference year 
    • The Barbara E. Northup Excellence in Community Service Award – awarded at a Biennial Conference 
    • The Robert and Betty Steed Memorial Scholarship Fund – awarded throughout the year

Board of Directors


The Board of Directors shall be composed of seven (7) members: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and three Members-At-Large. In addition, the immediate past President may serve as a non-voting ex-officio member of the Board of Directors as needed.


All directors must meet the following qualifications: 

        1. Resident of Arkansas;
        2. Possession of RID certification, EIPA, BEI, QAST, or other state screening credentials (an exception for persons who are deaf or hard of hearing until such time that national certification and/or state screening readily are available to persons who are deaf or hard of hearing);
        3. Quality of organizational involvement; 
        4. Membership in good standing of RID and ARID; and in addition
        5. Treasurer must be bondable.

General Duties

To perform any and all duties imposed on ARID by law, the Articles of Incorporation, the Bylaws, or as directed by the membership, and to approve an annual budget for the maintenance and operation of this organization.

Governing Authority

The management of the affairs of the organization between quarterly meetings of the membership shall be delegated from the membership to the Board of Directors. Decisions of the Board of Directors may be overruled by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the membership during a general membership meeting in which a quorum is present.

Revising  Dues

The decision to establish, raise, lower or prorate dues shall be authorized by the membership at the Biennial Conference. The Board of Directors shall not increase or decrease the dues by more than ten percent (10%) without a majority vote of the membership present at either the Biennial meeting or by email referendum. Notification of any changes in dues structure, fees, or assessments must be published in the ARIDian News & Views at least ninety (90) days prior to the anticipated implementation.

ARID Board History | 1981 – Present 

For a list of Board members since incorporation in 1981, please view under the About Us tab.

Incoming Officers 

By accepting a position on the Board of Directors they are expected to become familiar with the ARID Bylaws and the Policy and Procedures Manual (PPM). These documents support incoming officers with learning the expectations of the position.


The President shall be the principle executive officer of ARID and shall administer its business and affairs; as well as become familiar with the RID Affiliate Chapter Handbook (ACRC) sections related to the president and the duties required of the individual fulfilling this role.

    1. Have general supervision and direction of the affairs of the corporation and other duties, as may be prescribed by the board, the membership, and the national RID;
    2. Appoint any committees, including standing or ad hoc, composed of members in good standing;
    3. Have co-signature responsibility with the Treasurer on all disbursements/expenditures for the withdrawal of corporate funds; and
    4. Set the agenda and conduct all board meetings, the biennial conference business meeting, and any special meetings of the membership.

In addition to the duties laid out in the Bylaws, the President will also: 

    • supervise the work of other board members and committees;
    • provide copies to all board members of the Board Manual and the ARID Policy and Procedure Manual (PPM);
    • work with the RID Region IV Representative in sharing of information in both directions;
    • address all motions made during the General Membership Meetings, Biennial Conferences and Board Meetings;
    • be the official spokesperson for the organization; 
    • attend all general membership and board meetings of ARID; 
    • plan a “Board to Board” meeting after the elections and have each outgoing board member sit down with the incoming board members to discuss Board business
      • serve snacks or have special gifts to be given to outgoing Board members 
      • supply the incoming Board with necessary equipment, provide specialized instructions, update all email accounts to current board members, deactivate outgoing President and Treasurer bank card(s) and activate incoming President and Treasurer bank card(s) at the bank (make an appointment and bring the ARID Minutes as proof of the new Board members), and provide any additional information to ensure a smooth transition for the new Board; and
    • submit reports for the quarterly editions of the ARIDian News & Views (March, June, September, December).

Vice President

The Vice President shall become familiar with the duties of the Vice President in relation to the RID Affiliate Chapter Handbook (ACRC).

The Vice President shall preside in the place of the President whenever needed, in case of absence, resignation, death, or delegation of authority by the President.

    1. Assist the President and/or the Board of Directors in the completion of duties as needed;
    2. Chair the Planning Committee of the Biennial Conference; and
    3. Serve as liaison to committees.

In addition to the duties laid out in the Bylaws, the Vice President will also: 

    • schedule and hold meetings of the Biennial Planning Committee (BPC);
    • attend all general membership and board meetings of ARID; and
    • submit reports for the quarterly editions of the ARIDian News & Views (March, June, September, December) to include updates on the Biennial Conference as needed.


Duties of the Secretary in relation to the RID Affiliate Chapter Handbook (ACRC): The Secretary shall become familiar with the ACRC sections related to the secretary.

The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the General Membership Meetings, the Board of Directors Meetings, and special meetings of the membership. 

    1. Keep accurate minutes of all meetings of the organization and of the Board of Directors;
    2. File all papers belonging to the organization and superintend the publication of the same if so ordered by the Board of Directors;
    3. Conduct the general correspondence of the organization;
    4. Notify each member of the Board of Directors of the location and time of the Board of Directors meetings of the organization; likewise, inform the membership of the time and location of the quarterly general membership business meetings and Biennial Conference;
    5. Within thirty (30) days following each meeting of the Board of Directors, shall make available to the Board the minutes of the business which transpired;
    6. At least thirty (30) days prior to each General Membership Meeting, make available to the membership the minutes of the business which transpired at the previous General Membership Meeting; and
    7. Serve as liaison to committees.

In addition to the duties laid out in the Bylaws, the Secretary will also: 

    • send the minutes after each quarterly GM meeting to the Technology Chair for upload on the ARID website;
    • produce motions upon request and as needed; 
    • attend all general membership and board meetings of ARID; and
    • submit reports for the quarterly editions of the ARIDian News & Views (March, June, September, December).


Duties of the Treasurer in relation to the RID Affiliate Chapter Handbook (ACRC): The Treasurer shall become familiar with the ACRC sections related to the treasurer.

The Treasurer shall be the fiscal manager and maintain all financial records related to ARID.

    1. Receive and deposit all monies belonging to the organization as the Board of Directors may determine;
    2. Make all disbursements in payment of the authorized debts by check within thirty (30) days of receipt of the bill;
    3. Maintain the financial records of the organization, and make quarterly financial reports to the membership;
    4. Forward to the RID Regional Representative and to the national office of RID within thirty (30) days after the expiration of each fiscal year a certified copy of the organization’s financial statement. The financial statement shall include a description of the source of all receipts and a description of all disbursements;
    5. Forward to the IRS, Regional Representative and to the national office of RID by November 15th of each year the 501(c)3 tax exempt reporting form (IRS Form 990-N [e-Postcard], Return of Organizations Exempt from Income Tax); 
    6. Is bondable; and
    7. Serve as liaison to committees. 

In addition to the duties laid out in the Bylaws, the Treasurer will also: 

    • oversee online workshop registration and online membership renewal process;
    • manage the registration process to answer questions, maintain and verify list of pre-registrants, verify membership status / current membership list (voting, associate, student, and organizational) for purposes of voting, and process payments.
    • set up and oversee online voting (as needed);
    • serve as the Finance Chair and the Registration Chair for the Biennial Conference; 
    • attend all general membership and board meetings of ARID; and
    • submit financial reports for the quarterly editions of the ARIDian News & Views (March, June, September, December).


Duties of the Members-at-Large in relation to the RID Affiliate Chapter Handbook (ACRC): The Members-at-Large shall become familiar with the ACRC sections related to the MALs.

The Members-at-Large shall maintain communication and coordinate activities within their respective district and among District 1, District 2, and District 3.

    1. Assist ARID board members with the coordination of activities and communication in and among the membership; 
    2. Have other powers and duties as prescribed by the board and/or the membership; and
    3. Are members of the Sunshine Committee and reach out to the membership of their district on a monthly basis, reporting updates to the Sunshine Chair.

In addition to the duties laid out in the Bylaws, the Members-at-Large will also: 

    • seek out and organize community events in their respective districts;
    • maintain the Calendar of Events on the ARID website;
    • submit a quarterly Sunshine Report to the ARID Sunshine Chair;
    • attend all general membership and board meetings of ARID; and\
    • submit reports for the quarterly editions of the ARIDian News & Views (March, June, September, December);



Committee chairpersons shall be appointed by the President upon approval of a majority of the Board of Directors, with the only exception being the Chairperson of the Planning Committee for the Biennial Conference which shall be the Vice President. Appointments to committees shall be made or reaffirmed biennially by each new Board after assuming office. The President may authorize committee chairpersons to select the other members of their respective committees except for the Biennial Conference Planning Committee which shall be appointed by the Board of Directors as stipulated in Article 8, Section 2 of the ARID Bylaws. Furthermore, the President shall designate a member of the Board of Directors to serve as a liaison to each standing, special and/or ad hoc committee.

Committee Meetings

The formal, minuted meetings of the volunteers who have been entrusted by ARID members to deliver learning and networking opportunities on their behalf. 

Committee meetings tend to follow a set format and should have an agenda to ensure all the relevant topics are addressed.

Ad Hoc Committees


The President, upon approval by the Board of Directors, shall appoint any ad hoc committees as may be deemed necessary to carry out the objectives and activities of the organization as set forth in the Bylaws and/or as mandated by the voting membership. The purpose and life of the committees and their duties and responsibilities shall be proposed by the Board of Directors and outlined in the minutes of the general membership meeting.

Terms of Office

Each member of a standing, special or ad hoc committee shall serve until a successor can be appointed, unless the committee shall complete its duties or be terminated by the Board of Directors, or a member becomes ill or is otherwise unable to fulfill the duties of the committee, or in the event that a member must be removed from a committee, or a member ceases to qualify as a member thereof, or in the event that a member resigns from the organization.

Examples of Ad Hoc Committees

Awards Editorial; Branding; Mentoring; Licensure; and the Policies and Procedures Manual.

Standing Committees


Board of Directors shall have the right to establish any standing committee deemed necessary to carry out the objectives of the organization as set forth in the ARID Bylaws and/or mandated by the voting membership. 


Chairperson of the committee shall be responsible for setting meeting dates and times for the purpose of carrying out the duties of the committee. All committee actions shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Directors and presented regularly to the membership by report during quarterly general membership meetings.


Vacancies in the membership of any committee may be filled by appointment in accordance to the stipulations contained in Article 6 Section 3 of the ARID Bylaws.

The Standing Committees shall include, but not be limited to the following:

          1. Bylaws Committee
          2. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
          3. Editorial Committee
          4. Membership Development Committee
          5. Nominations Committee
          6. Professional Development Committee
          7. Program Committee
          8. Scholarship Committee
          9. Sunshine Committee
          10. Technology Committee
          11. Biennial Planning Committee

Bylaws Committee

Purpose: To clarify any conflicts in the Bylaws, to propose changes to the Bylaws, to review proposals for Bylaws changes suggested by the membership, and to ensure that all Bylaws and changes are in compliance with the RID Bylaws.


The Bylaws may be amended or repealed by approval of two-thirds (2/3) of the eligible voting members in attendance and voting during a regular, annual, or special meeting of the membership, or by email referendum, with fourteen (14) calendar days prior notice. Amendments must be reviewed and approved by the Bylaws Committee prior to voting, or in the absence of a Bylaws Committee, by the Board of Directors.

Duties & Responsibilities

              1. Assist members in wording proposed Bylaws changes, if requested;
              2. Receive all proposed Bylaw changes;
              3. Review each proposed change to make sure it is in compliance with the other articles in the ARID Bylaws, and in compliance  with the RID Bylaws;
              4. Report on past Bylaws changes pertaining to the issue(s) addressed in each proposed Bylaws change, and report back to the membership with the findings;
              5. To keep Bylaws up-to-date within a 90 day time period; 
              6. Meet as needed via conference calls or other meeting methods; and 
              7. Submit an article for the quarterly editions of the ARIDian News & Views (March, June, September, December)

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee

Purpose: To publicly stand in solidarity with interpreters and Deaf Community members who are Black, African American, and People of Color; denounce social injustice and discrimination in any form, as well as violent responses to peaceful protests; to determine the actions ARID can take to leverage the inclusion of, and support the success of interpreters of color; and work towards a more diverse interpreter population to meet all consumers’ needs.

Duties & Responsibilities

Meet regularly in-person, or via conference calls, or virtually as needed;

            1. Advertise scheduled meetings of the DEIC via ARID listserv, Facebook, and/or other social media venues; 
            2. Develop projects based on the purpose of DEIC;
            3. Encourage people to become members and attend meetings;
            4. Enter all pertinent information and photos on the DEIC Google Group; and
            5. Submit an article for the quarterly editions of the ARIDian News & Views (March, June, September, December)

Editorial Committee

Purpose: To prepare and publish the quarterly editions of the ARIDian News & Views in March, June, September, December; and edit and/or review print and non-print materials for distribution to educate and/or inform the ARID membership, the public and/or other interested parties about ARID.

Duties & Responsibilities

Meet regularly in-person, or via conference calls, or virtually as needed;

            1. Advertise scheduled meetings of the DEIC via ARID listserv, Facebook, and/or other social media venues; 
            2. Develop projects based on the purpose of DEIC;
            3. Encourage people to become members and attend meetings;
            4. Enter all pertinent information and photos on the DEIC Google Group; and
            5. Submit an article for the quarterly editions of the ARIDian News & Views (March, June, September, December)

Membership Development Committee

Purpose: To recruit and orient new chapter members; to encourage members to maintain ARID membership; and to maintain the ARID database and ARID membership lists with the assistance of the Treasurer.

Duties & Responsibilities

            1. Maintain ARID database and process membership renewals, at least once a quarter, or monthly or weekly during workshop and conference registration periods; 
            2. Provide updates of current membership list and contact information to the Board and committees on a regular basis and/or as requested; 
            3. Conduct an annual membership drive;
            4. Serve as ex-officio member of the Biennial Conference Registration Committee and perform duties as delegated by this committee; 
            5. Work with the Treasurer, Program Committee, and Biennial Planning Committee; and
            6. Submit an update for the quarterly editions of the ARIDian News & Views (March, June, September, December).

Duties & Responsibilities

            1. Membership Drive and Dues Renewal Procedures

              1. Membership fees for one (1) year shall be due no later than July 31. A member who has paid the established current annual dues shall be considered a member in good standing.
              2. May 30th – send reminder via ARID Listserv that dues will expire on June 30th. Members can renew by logging onto and clicking on Membership then Membership Application. 
                1. Dues can be paid online or sent in by mail to the address listed.
                2. Membership forms are printed and mailed for those members who have not provided ARID with an email address, their email reminder is undeliverable, or have requested to receive membership reminders via mail rather than electronically.
              3. July 1st and 30th – send email reminders to members who have not renewed.
              4. Include dues renewal information on the Biennial Conference Registration.
              5. Update database verifying that contact information is up-to-date.
              6. Contact the Treasurer and/or Program Committee Chair for dues renewals that have accompanied workshop registrations.

Nominations Committee

Purpose: To collect names of potential candidates for current or upcoming board vacancies, including special Biennial Conference awards; and to notify the membership of the upcoming elections and/or award nominations via the listserv, web page, social media, and the ARIDian News & Views.

Duties & Responsibilities

            1. Become familiar with the qualifications of each position that is vacated;
            2. Collect nominations from the membership for the available position(s);
            3. Compile a list of names of qualified members who are willing and interested in serving;
            4. Request access to a current Membership List from the Membership Development Committee and/or the Treasurer;
            5. Present the nominations to the membership at the meeting prior to the start of the next membership year;
            6. Ask for nominations from the floor before distributing ballots; 
            7. Collect and count ballots (current board members may also help count those ballots for which they are not nominated, and/or enlist the help of the Biennial Support Staff); 
            8. Announce to the membership the newly elected officers of the Board; and
            9. Submit an update for the quarterly editions of the ARIDian News & Views (March, June, September, December).

Professional Development Committee

Purpose: To plan, promote, implement, and evaluate professional development events for the ARID membership; and to process CEUs for ARID sponsored events, PINRAs, Academic Coursework and Independent Studies.

Duties & Responsibilities

            1. Determine the content area, educational level, target audience, and number of CEUs to be awarded according to the RID guidelines as a RID Approved Sponsor;
            2. Approve all publicity prior to distribution;
            3. Submit RID CMP CEU activities for each participant to RID upon completion of the event(s) per RID’s timelines; 
            4. Forward the originals along with a summary of the evaluations and/or the actual program evaluation forms to RID per current guidelines; 
            5. Send the Certificate of Attendance with type (PS and/or GS) and number of CEUs, activity number, and title and date of event upon completion to each participant;
            6. Maintain copies for the files; 
            7. Work with the Program Committee and Biennial Planning Committee; and
            8. Submit an update for the quarterly editions of the ARIDian News & Views (March, June, September, December).

Program Committee

Purpose: To coordinate the planning, promotion, implementation, and evaluation of professional development workshops for ARID offered for CEUs.

Duties & Responsibilities

            1. Plan Workshops: Traditionally, ARID sponsors four (4) CEU workshops during non-biennial years in quarters 1, 2, 3, 4 offered the first Saturday of the month – March, June, September, December with a time slot included for the General Membership Meetings (GMM). During a biennial year, three (3) CEU workshops are offered in quarter 1, 2, and 3, and the Biennial Conference during the 4th quarter, with a time slot included for the General Membership Meeting (GMM). Each event includes the presenter(s) name(s), topic and objectives, date and time, length of training (with number of RID CEUs), location (whether onsite or via ARID’s Zoom account), cost, special accommodations, and refund policy. Attached is a checklist to aid in planning the workshops.
            2. Serves as the Biennial Program Chair for the biennial conferences.
            3. Develop a preliminary budget and keep a running cost of expenses and anticipated revenue. Work with the Treasurer as needed. 
            4. Solicit co-sponsorship as needed to help defray the cost of the workshop. Be creative! Contact membership in various areas of the state to solicit assistance. Ask the ARID Board Liaison for additional assistance and direction.
            5. Presenter: Information needed from the presenter and for the presenter.
              • Resume or biographical sketch
              • Training outline or objectives and RID Instructor Form for CMP Paperwork
              • Travel dates/times (travel arrangements and receipts) and travel costs – roundtrip airfare not to exceed current ARID policy or mileage
              • Hotel accommodations and travel to and from the training and meals
              • Honorarium cost
              • Letter of agreement or contract and a W-9 for reimbursement
              • Handouts and/or Powerpoint, if any
              • Room setup, media and/or equipment needs
            6. Secure location: Determine whether it’s onsite/in-person or via Zoom. When booking a location, consider where it is, how easy is it to find, what are the amenities, what are the attractions in the area, restaurants, etc.
              • In the central Arkansas area, the Arkansas School for the Deaf, the Tornado Shelter. Call the administration number and ask to speak to the person in charge of scheduling the facility. A special facilities fee is already established for ARID.
              • In the Northwest Arkansas area, the Fairfield Inn & Suites in Rogers, in exchange for booking hotel rooms, free meeting space for ARID. The hotel also offers a free breakfast to those staying in the hotel, and permits food and equipment to be brought in from an outside vendor and/or ARID.
              • In other areas of Arkansas, such as hotels, the contact usually is the Sales Department or someone in charge of meeting space. If securing meeting space in a hotel, see if they will reduce their price or for a certain number of rooms booked, give free meeting space. Most hotels have their own catering and will not allow groups to bring in their own food. Ask for their policy. Ask also if they allow groups to bring in their own equipment (some hotels charge for this service).
              • RID CMP Paperwork is handled by working with the Professional Development Committee (PDC). 
            7. Instructor Form: may be sent via electronic attachment to the presenter to be filled out and returned in a timely manner. 
            8. Sponsor Form: to be filled out by the Program Committee and submitted to the PDC along with the Instructor Form.
            9. Sign in procedure/registration for each day of the workshop (if offered multiple days) per current electronic practices and methods.
            10. Certificates of Attendance/Participation: The PDC sends certificates to each participant per current electronic practices that include the Activity Number, SA number, Subject Code, number of CEUs, and date from the PDC is indicated on this form. Send the certificates to each participant per current electronic practices.
            11. RID transcript: The PDC submits participants’ CEUs to RID per current electronic methods. The Presenter may earn CEUs for first-time presentation of the topic. 
            12. Evaluations of the workshop: The evaluations are submitted by participants at the end of the workshop currently using the QR codes that lead the participants to the online evaluation form.
            13. Secure interpreters for communication access for each workshop.
            14. Negotiate fees for interpreters for non-biennial workshops at the current rate of two (2) $60 Member Money for a total of $120.
            15. Promotion of workshop and Registration requires working closely with the Technology Chair and the Treasurer.
            16. Save the Date: Announcement to membership to “save the date(s)” via ARID listserv, FaceBook, other social media, and the ARIDian News & Views.
            17. Workshop flyer and Registration Form: Before sending to the membership and upload on the ARID website, submit the flyer/registration form to the PDC and the Editorial Committee for review to ensure all information is correct. Make sure to include:
              • ARID, RID, and ACET logos (and co-sponsor logo if applicable).
              • Presenter with photo, certification and primary residence (city/state).
              • Topic title with objectives.
              • Location, if onsite, with site address (and lodging information if applicable).
              • Location, if virtual, ARID Zoom account link.
              • Date/time and time slot for the GM Business Meeting.
              • Registration form includes ARID and non-ARID member fees with early and regular registration timeline fees, meals (if any), accommodations/needs, and refund policy.
              • Spaces for ARID Membership dues (voting, associate, student, and organizational) and non-ARID fees (you may want to advertise to nearby states).
              • CMP information to include the content area (Professional or General Studies); number of CEUs; the hours; and target audience.
              • Dissemination requires coordination with the Treasurer, the Technology Committee Chair, and the Editorial Committee Chair.
              • The Program Committee Chair sends the flyer and registration form via email to the ARID listserv.
              • The Treasurer collects the fees and maintains a list of registrants.
              • The Technology Committee Chair uploads the flyer and registration form on the ARID website, Facebook and/or other social media. 
              • The Editorial Committee Chair publishes the flyer and registration form in the ARIDian News & Views.
            18. Welcoming arrangements may include the following depending on whether participants are onsite/in-person or virtual via Zoom.
              • Arrange presenter transportation prior to and at the conclusion of the workshop.
              • Arrange for the introduction of the presenter.
              • Arrange for a gift basket or welcome gift for the presenter.
              • Arrange for an onsite or virtual registration table and coordinate with the Treasurer. 
            19. Conclusion
              • Submit event articles and pictures to the Technology Committee Chair for upload to the ARID website, facebook and other social media.
              • Ask the workshop participants to submit comments and photos to the Editorial Committee Chair for inclusion in the next ARIDian News & Views.
              • Submit any expense receipts to the Treasurer for reimbursement.

Scholarship Committee

Purpose: To assist individual ARID members who apply for the Robert and Betty Steed Memorial Scholarship Fund to defray the costs of any national or state certification, or performance tests/assessments/screenings that include, but are not limited to: 1) the RID Performance Tests [NIC, OTC, SC:L, CDI], 2) the EIPA Performance Assessment and 3) the Arkansas QAST Screening Tests [Levels 1-3 and Levels 4-5]; and to assist individual ARID members who apply for the Ella Irby Professional Development Scholarship Fund to attend a BIPOC national or regional conference.

Duties & Responsibilities

            1. Review all applications from eligible ARID members.
            2. Advertise the Robert and Betty Steed Memorial Scholarship Fund on the ARID website, on Facebook and in the quarterly ARIDian News & Views (March, June, September and December). 
              1. Remind candidates to submit Application Materials via email to the Scholarship Committee at email
              2. Send the application packet, including the Verification of Testing Form, to candidates upon request and/or refer them to the ARID website for the Application Materials.
              3. Remind the candidate to present the Verification of Testing Form at the respective testing site for their signature (e.g., RID Local Test Administrator (LTA), BEI Testing Coordinator, EIPA Testing Coordinator, QAST Coordinator, etc.)
              4. Remind the candidate that upon completion of the Performance Test, the candidate has seven (7) business days to submit the signed Verification of Testing Form via email to the Scholarship Committee at
            3. Advertise the Ella Irby Professional Development Scholarship Fund on the ARID website, on Facebook and in the ARIDian News & Views quarterly (March, June, September and December); 
            4. Send a quarterly Scholarship Committee Report to the ARID Board; and
            5. Submit the Scholarship Committee Report for the quarterly editions of the ARIDian News & Views (March, June, September, December).

Sunshine Committee

Purpose: To express congratulations, sympathy or concern to members of ARID in the event of illness, bereavement or milestone events; and ARID’s esteem and consideration when members are celebrating a happy occasion or facing a challenging time in their lives. 

Duties & Responsibilities

            1. Maintain a database of ARID members’ birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, births, adoptions, illness, death, and/or other important milestone events to be posted on the ARID website;
            2. Send cards or other appropriate acknowledgment to ARID members as needed;
            3. Work with the Membership Chair and/or the other officers for information; 
            4. Coordinate with the three (3) district MALs for news about ARID members; and
            5. Submit an article for the quarterly editions of the ARIDian News & Views (March, June, September, December). 

Technology Committee

Purpose: To ensure that ARID is current with cyber communications; to upload information to the ARID website; and to maintain the Facebook page and other social media.

Duties & Responsibilities

            1. Provide the Board with any changes or updates (Board contact information and bios, pictures, meeting minutes, etc.) that need to be made to the ARID website and ensure they are completed in a timely manner;
            2. Explore and present to the Board options for improving web presence and online communication;
            3. Manage the ARID website and social media and update as requested; 
            4. Work with the PDC, Program Committee and Biennial Planning Committee for any updates; and
            5. Submit an article for the quarterly editions of the ARIDian News & Views (March, June, September, December). 

Biennial Planning Committee (BPC)

Purpose: To plan and coordinate a biennial statewide conference in odd numbered years for the professional development of interpreters; to share and disseminate information on innovations, techniques and research on interpreting and transliterating; promote fellowship and goodwill among the membership; and schedule the ARID Business Meeting.

Duties & Responsibilities

The Vice President/Biennial Chair can recruit an Assistant to the Biennial Chair to share the duties and responsibilities. 

              • Recruit Biennial Chairs.
              • Establish committees for the conference.
              • Appoint a Secretary for the BPC meetings.
              • Plan and advertise regularly scheduled meetings of the BPC.
              • Send registration information to the Arkansas Association of the Deaf, to surrounding states Deaf and Interpreter associations, to the RID national office and the RID Region IV Representative. Send electronic announcements/invitations to the Presidents of all the affiliate chapters within Region IV.
              • Standard committees may include:
                • Branding Committee
                • Entertainment Committee
                • Facilities Committee (optional)
                • Finance Committee (the ARID Treasurer is the Chair)
                • Fundraising Committee 
                • Hospitality Committee
                • Interpreter Coordination 
                • Professional Development/CMP Committee (the ARID PDC Chair is the Chair)
                • Program Committee (the ARID Program Chair is the Chair)
                • Program Book Committee
                • Registration Committee (the ARID Treasurer is the Chair)
                • Silent Auction Committee
                • Support Staff Committee
                • Technology Committee (the ARID Technology Chair is the Chair)
                • Other committees may be formed as needed. 
              • Advertise a “Call for Committee Chairs” who will comprise the initial BPC. Each chair can recruit additional members for their respective committees. 
              • Locate a venue for the conference. The Chair and Assistant can assume this task, or assign a Facilities Committee, and with the venue where to have food, entertainment, breakout sessions, opening keynote address, etc.
              • Create a proposed budget for presentation to the Board based conferences’ proposed program; this can be adjusted as the planning proceeds. Refer to past budgets for ideas and a framework.
              • Determine the type of training that is desired by the overall membership through a survey to solicit suggestions from the membership throughout the state.
              • Determine a theme and create the biennial logo.
              • Advertise a “Call for Presenters” for topics that address the conference theme and logo.
              • Advertise the date and venue (onsite/in-person or virtual) on the ARID website, Facebook page and in the ARIDian News & Views, and post periodic reminders/updates on the listserv and website (via the Board liaison).
                • Periodically, send out reminders/updates about the presenters, and plan activities to keep membership informed and engaged.
                • Write articles highlighting conference updates and planning progress to be submitted for publication on the web site, the Facebook page and for inclusion in the ARIDian News & Views.
              • Once the workshops and presenters have been finalized, begin advertising this information via the ARID listserv, Facebook page and in the ARIDian News & Views.
                • A short description of the workshop can be posted/published as well
                • Post regular updates
                • Post reminders about early bird registration
              • At the conference site, hold a combined Board and Conference Planning Committee meeting to prepare for biennial business, the coordination of door prizes, drawings, sale of items, CEU paperwork, etc.
              • Create a large-sized version of the schedule and have it on an easel for ease in locating workshops and meeting rooms.
              • Remind the ARID Board to order any awards that will be presented at the final general membership meeting. 
              • Finalize the final conference financial statement with the Treasurer for presentation to the membership
Branding Committee

Works with all committees to ensure consistency in distribution and standardization of printed and/or digital formats.

                  • Ensure that the current theme and logo are presented in relevant advertising, letters, and printed or digital formats. 
                  • Standardize the font and size to be used.
Entertainment Committee

Works with the Program Committee, the Hospitality Committee, and the Biennial Chair to plan for activities for the luncheon, social night and awards banquet.

                  • Determine what type of entertainment is desired and at what phase of the conference.
                  • If an out of town entertainer is desired, search for one who teaches workshops to maximize conference training monies.
Facilities Committee

Optional since the Biennial Chair and Assistant may choose to handle the venue. Otherwise, this committee works with the Program Committee, Technology Committee and Registration Committee.

                  • Begin making contacts with area hotels, community colleges, universities, conference centers and other venues wherein conventions are held.
                  • Consider breakout rooms, exhibitor/silent auction space, catering needs, etc. and schedule as appropriate.  Consult with the entire committee and Board as to costs.
                  • On-site visits are necessary to determine if the meeting space is adequate; sites offering open spaces without visual obstacles like columns in the middle of a room.
                  • Determine if the facility has Wi-Fi coverage and if so, what costs (if any) are involved.
                  • Determine if technology needs are included in the cost of the facility or if they are an additional cost.
Finance Committee

Traditionally the ARID Treasurer is the Chair. Works with the Registration Committee, Program Committee, Fundraising Committee, and any other committees handling funds.

                  • Monitors the biennial budget.
                  • Disburses and collects funds.
                  • Records all income and expenses.
Fundraising / Sponsorship Committee

Works with all committees for input and ideas to raise money and solicit sponsors for the conference.

                  • Consider the various types of fundraising: donations, sponsorships, silent auction, etc.
                  • Special fundraising efforts may be needed to raise enough money to supplement the cost of the biennial conference, such as Tips for Terps.
                  • Refer to previous conference fundraising efforts for names of sponsors and other entities.
                  • During the conference, collect monies from the auction and submit them to the Treasurer at the conclusion of the auction.
                  • Create bidding sheets for Silent Auction Items; have extra copies on hand for items that require several sheets to accommodate the number of bids.
Hospitality Committee

Works with the Entertainment Committee, Support Staff Committee, Registration Committee, Program Committee, and Biennial Chair.

                  • Arrange transportation of the presenter prior to and at the conclusion with the appropriate committee Chair. 
                  • Arrange for the introduction of the presenter with Support Staff.
                  • Arrange for a gift basket or welcome gift for the presenter.
                  • Arrange for an onsite or virtual registration table and coordinate with the Treasurer. 
                  • Coordinate the awards banquet events.
                  • Arrange ditty bags, door prizes, Member Money, etc. 
                  • Establish one “room” (onsite or virtual) to serve as a hospitality space for presenters and interpreters and arrange for refreshments to be provided in this room throughout the conference
                  • At the conclusion of the conference, send “Thank You” cards to sponsors, advertisers, vendors/exhibitors, presenters, interpreters, etc.
Interpreter Coordination Committee 

Secures appropriately qualified individuals to provide interpreting services; works with the Program Committee and Entertainment Committee to determine the type of interpreting services needed; coordinates the ARID and LRID Reciprocal Agreement; and seeks sponsoring of interpreters from VRS companies and other sources.

                  1. The ARID and LRID Reciprocal Agreement: The Arkansas Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (ARID) and Louisiana Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (LRID) Reciprocal Interpreter Agreement for State Conferences states that:

ARID makes the following commitments:

                  • ARID will send one interpreter to LRID to provide interpreting services for their annual conference. LRID agrees to provide the interpreter with room and board at no expense to ARID, and  ARID agrees to cover all travel costs for the interpreter.
                  • ARID will ensure that the interpreter sent holds national certification (NAD V or RID).

LRID makes the following commitments:

                  • LRID will send two interpreters to ARID to provide interpreting services for their biennial conference. ARID agrees to provide the interpreters with room and board at no expense to LRID. LRID agrees to cover all travel costs for interpreters.
                  • LRID will ensure that the interpreters sent hold national certification (NAD V or RID).

Both ARID and LRID make the following commitments:

                  • Should either organization fail to fulfill its obligation to this agreement, the organization in default agrees to reimburse the other for travel and fees billed by the replacement interpreter (travel to be airfare at 21 days in advance or driving – following federal GSA rates, whichever is less; interpreting fees appropriate to the geographical area). Receipts and a detailed listing of expenses will be sent to the organization in default prior to any reimbursements being made.
                  • Should either organization be unable to secure the services of nationally certified interpreters, the two presidents of said organizations shall negotiate contracting interpreter services at least 45 days prior to the conference.
                  • Either organization may refuse the services of the reciprocal agreement interpreter by contacting the President of the other organization. This refusal shall be done via email or telephone and followed up by a confirmation letter sent at least 45 days prior to the conference.
                  • Either organization may request a specific interpreter(s), with the understanding that if requested interpreter(s) is/are not available, other qualified interpreter(s) will be pursued.
                  • Either organization may request additional interpreter(s); however, payment for services must be negotiated between the requesting organization and the additional interpreter(s).
                  • The presidents of each organization shall make the initial request at least 120 days in advance of their organization’s conference. They may then refer the matter to their respective committee(s).
                  • The daily per diem shall be mutually determined.

2. Contact VRS companies, such as Sorenson for sponsorship of conference interpreters.

                1. Professional Development Committee (PDC)

                  The ARID PDC Chair serves as the Biennial PDC Chair. Works with the Program Committee to obtain all information for award of CEUs.

                  • Obtain presenter information from the Program Committee and work with presenters to complete all CEU paperwork for the conference.
                  • Instructor Form: may be sent via electronic attachment to the presenter to be filled out and returned in a timely manner. 
                  • Sponsor Form: to be filled out by the Program Committee and submitted to the PDC along with the Instructor Form.
                  • Sign in procedure/registration for each day of the workshop (if offered multiple days) per current electronic practices and methods.
                  • Certificates of Attendance: The PDC sends certificates to each participant per current electronic practices that include the Activity Number, SA number, Subject Code, number of CEUs, and date from the PDC is indicated on this form. 
                  • RID transcript: The PDC submits participants’ CEUs to RID per current electronic methods. The Presenter may earn CEUs for first-time presentation of the topic. 
                  • Evaluations of the workshop: The evaluations are submitted by participants at the end of each workshop currently using the QR codes that lead the participants to the online evaluation form
                1. Program Committee 

                  The ARID Program Committee Chair serves as the Biennial Program Committee Chair. Works with the Vice President/Biennial Chair in the selection process of and contracting with presenters addressing the biennial theme; works with the PDC for current RID CEU procedures and evaluations.

                  • Negotiate with the presenters regarding pay, travel, accommodations, meals, free conference registration, etc.
                  • Once details have been negotiated with presenters, contracts are written and submitted for signatures. Work with the PDC and the BPC to review the information needed from prospective speakers/presenters.
                  • IRS W-9 form (to the ARID Treasurer for presenter reimbursement),
                  • workshop description, 
                  • short bio and photo, 
                  • learning objectives, number of hours, and
                  • audio/visual needs 
                  • Consider inviting the RID Region IV Representative to be a part of the biennial conference for a “state of the Region” update. 
                  • Consider inviting RID Board members who do not charge speaker fees because they are serving the membership; however, funds for travel, accommodations and meals may be requested.
                  • Request resumes from the presenters and begin compiling CMP forms and documents that are necessary for the CMP process.
                  • General Membership Meeting: The ARID President provides the agenda, slate of officers for the election of board members, voting ballots, voting verification.
                1. Program Book Committee

                  Works with the BPC to develop the content and format of the Program Book; works with the Program Committee to obtain the schedule, workshop information, presenter bios, etc.; works with the President for letters of welcome.

                  • Solicit letters of welcome from: 
                    • President of ARID, RID, NAD, NAOBI, AAD, LRAD, LRBDA, NBDA, etc. 
                    • Region IV Rep
                    • Biennial Planning Committee Chair
                    • Governor
                    • Local Mayor 
                    • Referral agencies
                    • Video relay companies
                    • Administrative Office of the Courts
                    • Other entities as deemed appropriate
                  • Include the following: 
                    • Venue and address
                    • Conference logo and theme
                    • Biennial Planning Committee members
                    • Support Staff names
                    • Interpreter names and photos
                    • Conference agenda and schedule 
                    • Presenter bios and photos
                    • Workshop descriptions and number of CEUs for each workshop
                    • Conference events schedule
                    • Conference sponsor names and logos
                    • Silent Auction items and thank you to donors (add logos)
                    • A map of the meeting spaces
                  • Program Book to be disseminated to registrants per current electronic practices.
                1. Registration Committee

                  The ARID Treasurer serves as the Biennial Registration Committee Chair. Maintains records of registration fees and number of participants; works with Hospitality Committee regarding ditty bags, door prizes, Member Money, etc.

                  • Create a conference registration form. The registration form should be finalized as soon as possible once the venue has been selected and posted/published.
                  • Bring any equipment that might be needed (e.g., laptop, etc.).
                  • Set up an announcement/news/message board at Registration, as it will eliminate having to search for people during the conference.
                  • During the conference it may be necessary to collect monies from registrants, keep track of payments.
                  • At the conclusion of the conference all monies are to be turned over to the Treasurer.
                1. Silent Auction Committee

                  Works with the Fundraising Committee and Hospitality Committee; solicits Silent Auction items; solicits ditty bags donations. A percentage of Silent Auction monies are designated to the Robert and Betty Steed Memorial Scholarship Fund.

                  • Ask for assistance from the membership to gather Silent Auction and ditty bag items.
                  • Ask businesses for donations or gift certificates for door prizes and/or the silent auction.
                  • Ensure that the appropriate committees are sending out letters of Thank you and ARID nonprofit status to local businesses.
                  • Pick up all last minute Silent Auction items, gift certificates, donations, etc. and bring them to the biennial site.
                  • Create a system to track any items and monies collected prior to/during the conference (auction items, sale of ARID items, fundraising, sponsorship, advertising, etc.) – the Biennial Chair and Treasurer are to receive copies of all tracking forms for reporting purposes.
                1. Support Staff Committee 

                  Works with the Program Committee, the Registration Committee, the Technology Committee, and the PDC to ensure support staff are assigned where they are needed.

                  • Develop a flyer and from to recruit students from the UALR Interpreter Education Program and students form other states (optional).
                  • Obtain the conference schedule from the Program Committee and calculate the number of volunteers needed. 
                  • Schedule support staff at workshops, registration, Silent Auction and Banquet.
                  • Schedule support staff to introduce the presenter at each workshop.
                  • Immediately prior to the conference, schedule a “ditty bag stuffing party” to stuff the bags, and other last minute details as needed.
                  • Consider serving pizza or something fun for all “party” participants.
                  • Schedule support staff to oversee the sale and pick up of ARID items during the conference. At the conclusion of the conference, all monies collected are to be turned over to the Treasurer.
                1. Technology Committee 

                  Works with the Program Committee and PDC regarding equipment and media needs for each workshop session, the Business Meeting and the Banquet and Awards night.

                  • Obtain a list of the presenters’ audio/visual needs from the Program Committee. 
                  • Secure the audio/visual needs for the business meeting and luncheon.
                  • Work with the Facilities Committee (if operational) to satisfy all audio/visual requests.

End of PPM document.

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