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How Do I Renew Membership?

One time membership

You can easily renew before your expiration date by going to the Account page > Subscriptions tab. Then, next to your current subscription, click the option that says “Renew”. Doing this will take you to a page where you can pay for an additional term of your subscription. 

If your subscription happens to fully expire, then you can repurchase it. If you would like to do that, you can do one of the following:

  • Login to the site and then navigate back to the registration page for that membership and sign up again. 
  • Login to the site and go to the Account page > Subscriptions tab. Then, next to your old subscription, click the option that says, “Subscribe”. That will take you to the registration page for that membership.

Active automatically recurring subscription

An automatically recurring subscription does not need to be renewed manually as it will automatically renew each set billing cycle. If you would like to know when your subscription is going to automatically renew, please login to your Account page and navigate to the Subscriptions tab where you will see an expiration date for your subscription. The expiration date listed there is the date your subscription will renew.

Lapsed recurring subscription

In this case, you have an automatically recurring subscription that has one or more completed payment(s), but that was not successfully billed at your last payment due date because of a lack of funds or expired credit card. Similar to the above, you do not need to renew an automatically recurring subscription. Rather you should just go to your account page > Subscriptions tab > and click the “update” link there. Doing that will take you to a page where you’ll be able to update your payment details. After doing that, your subscriptions will usually renew in a few business days.

Cancelled Automatically Recurring Subscription

If you have cancelled your automatically recurring subscription and would like to renew, then you need to simply repurchase it. Remember, if you just canceled your subscription, it may still be active for the remainder of the last billing period, and you must wait for that to expire before re-purchasing. If you would like to repurchase your subscription you can do one of the following:

  • Login to the site and then navigate back to the registration page for that membership and sign up again. 
  • Login to the site and go to the Account page > Subscriptions tab. Then, next to your old subscription, click the option that says, “Subscribe”. That will take you to the registration page for that membership. 
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